
Gold Medal from 2021 San Diego Stamp Show, California for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”

April 2023               –            WESTPEX

Large Vermeil Medal, American Topical Association First Award, American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor, and It’s Not Just Stamps – Professional Stamp Experts Award for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”.

February 2023         –            San Diego Stamp Show

Large Vermeil Medal, American Topical Association First Award, and American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”.

October 2022         –            SESCAL

Vermeil Medal and United States Cancellation Club Award for “Unusual Place Names. Uncommon Postmarks. Unordinary Articles. United States Postmarks and Precancels with Animal Names.

October 2022         –            SESCAL

Vermeil Medal and AAPE Gold Award of Honor “In the Name of the Lion”

August 2022         –            Great American Stamp Show

Gold Medal and Biology Unit Second Award for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All” 

August 2022         –            Great American Stamp Show

Large Vermeil Medal and Biology Unit Third Award for “In the Name of the Lion”

June 2022         –            CAPEX

Large Silver Award for “Felines in Armenia and Armenian Culture”

April 2022         –            Armenian Philatelic Association of America

Certificate of recognition

April 2022         –            WESTPEX

Large Vermeil Medal, Award of Honor of American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors, American Topical Association Second Award, and San Diego Stamp Show Award of Merit for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”

April 2022        –            WESTPEX

Silver Medal  and American Topical Association Third Award for “Fur Trade and its Effect on the Fate of Wild Felines”

February 2022         –            ARIPEX

Large Vermeil Medal and American Topical Association First Award for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”

February 2022          –            ARIPEX

Large Vermeil Medal and American Topical Association One-Frame Merit Award for “Felines in Armenia and Armenian Culture”

October 2021         –            San Diego Stamp Show

Gold Medal and Armenian Philatelic Association Award for “Felines in Armenia and Armenian Culture”

October 2021         –            San Diego Stamp Show

Large Vermeil Award and American Topical Association Third Award for “In the Name of the Lion”

October 2021         –            San Diego Stamp Show

 Vermeil Award for “Fur Trade and its Effect on the Fate of Wild Felines”

October 2021         –            San Diego Stamp Show

Large Silver Award and Women Exhibitors Sterling Award for “Major Armenian Settlements in the Russian Empire”

August 2021         –            National Topical Stamp Show in Chicago, IL

Gold Award and American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”

August 2021         –            National Topical Stamp Show in Chicago, IL

Large Silver Award and American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Encouragement Award for “Poodle”

July-August 2021      –         Westpex in San Francisco, CA

Large Vermeil Award and American Topical Association Second Award for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”

July-August 2021      –         Westpex in San Francisco, CA

Silver Award and Humorous Award for “Poodle”

October 2019                  –          SESCAL in Ontario, CA

Large Silver Award and Women Exhibitors Sterling Achievement Award for “In the Name of the Lion”

August     2019                  –          National Topical Stamp Show in Omaha, NE

Vermeil Award for “In the Name of the Lion”

May 2019               –       Philatelic Show of Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs in Boxborough, MA

Vermeil Award and American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors  Award of Honor for “In the Name of the Lion”

October 2018            –          International Philatelic Exhibition commemorating 2800 anniversary of Yerevan, in Yerevan, Armenia

Gold Award for “Felines in Armenia and Armenian Culture”

August 2018            –           National Topical Stamp Show in Columbus, Ohio

Gold Award for “Lion – The Most Symbolic Animal of All”

May 2018            –           National Topical Stamp Show in Columbus, Ohio

Large Vermeil Award for “Felines in Armenia and Armenian Culture”

August 2018            –       National Topical Stamp Show in Columbus, Ohio

Large Silver Award for ” United States Post Offices with Animal Names”

May 2018           –          Philatelic Show of Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs in Boxborough, Massachusetts

Gold Award and American Topical Association Single Frame Award for “Felines in Armenia and Armenian Culture”

October 2017     –           World Series of Philately Show “SESCAL” in Ontario, California

Gold Award for “Felines in Armenia and Armenian Culture”

June 2017     –           National Topical Stamp Show in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Gold Award and Award of National Philatelic Congress for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”


June 2017     –           National Topical Stamp Show in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Large Vermeil Award and Award of Honor of American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors for “Animal Toponims on United States Postmarks”


June 2017     –           National Topical Stamp Show in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Vermeil Award for “The Lynx”

May 2016              –         Philatelic Show of Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs in Boxborough, MA

Silver Award and American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of  Honor for “Animal Toponims on United States Postmarks

May 2016                 –           Philatelic Show of Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs

Silver Award for “The Lynx”


November 2015     –           International Philatelic Exhibition Dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial in Yerevan, Armenia

Gold Medal and Special Award by “HayPost” CJSC for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”


untitledOctober 2015     –           SESCAL in Los Angeles, California

Vermeil Award and Gold Award of Honor of American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”



October 2015     –           SESCAL in Los Angeles, California

Vermeil Award and One-Frame Merit Award of American Topical Association for “The Lynx” img818

May 2015         –           Philatelic Show of the Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs in Boxborough, Massachusetts

Gold Award and John Broderick Sr. Award for the Best Display Exhibit for “The Lion -Most Symbolic Animal of All”



August  2014        –      American Philatelic Society Stamp Show in Hartford, Connecticut        

Vermeil Award and Certificate of Appreciation of The Ephemera Society of America for “The Lion -Most Symbolic Animal of All” 


May 2014          –           Philatelic Show of the Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs in Boxborough, Massachusetts

Vermeil Award and John Broderick Sr. Award for the Best Display Exhibit for “The Lion -Most Symbolic Animal of All”


img769May 2013          –           National Topical Stamp Show in Rochester, New York

Vermeil Award and Award of Honor of the American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors for Best Presentation for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”



June 2012        –          National Topical Stamp Show in Lancaster, Pennsylvania    

Vermeil Award and American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Creativity Award for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”


June 2012        –          NAPEX in McLean, Virginia

Silver-Bronze Literature Award for “Wild Cats in Art”

 April 2012       –         WESTPEX in Burlingame, California

 Vermeil Award and O’Neill Award  for Best Thematic Exhibit for “The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All”



January 2010         –          American Topical Association

Certificate of Appreciation


February 2011      –          American Topical Association

Certificate of Appreciation for Authoring ATA Handbook “Wild Cats in Art”

April 2010       –          WESTPEX in Burlingame, California

Vermeil Award for “Big Cats and Humans”img697

 June 2008        –         National Topical Stamp Show in Portland, Oregon

 Vermeil Award for “Big Cats and Humans”img700

December 2007-           Armenian Stamp Exhibition in Glendale, California

Certificate of Appreciation

 June 2007        –         National Topical Stamp Show in Irving, Texas

 Vermeil Award and Special Award of American Association of Stamp Exhibitors for “Big Cats and Humans”

                           img689June 2005      –            National Topical Stamp Show in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Vermeil Award for “Big Cats and Humans”


August 1989   –           National Stamp Show in Almaty, Kazakhstan

                         Vermeil Award for “Cats”img699

June 1989        –           “Hungary – Armenia” Stamp Show in Sopron, Hungary

                           Silver Award for “Cats” and Special Prizeimg694

October 1988  –           “Nature and Humans” National Stamp Show in Kiev, Ukraine

                           Large Silver Award for “Amazing Cats”

August 1988   –           XVII Republican Youth Stamp Show in Yerevan, Armenia

                          Memorial Award for “Percussion Instruments Yesterday and Today”

May 1988        –           “USSR – Bulgaria” Stamp Show in Yerevan, Armenia

                          Memorial Award and Prize for “Amazing Cats”

February 1988 –           Honorary Medal of the National Stamp Society of USSRimg692

October 1987  –           XV Republican Youth Stamp Show in Yerevan, Armenia

                          Memorial Award for “Percussion Instruments Yesterday and Today”

April 1987        –           Inducted to the Hall of Fame of Armenian Philatelic Society

August 1987    –           XII Republican Stamp Show in Yerevan, Armenia

                          Memorial Award for “Percussion Instruments Yesterday and Today”

September 1987-         “Transcaucasia – 87” Stamp Show in Etchmiadzin, Armenia

                           Memorial Award for “Percussion Instruments Yesterday and Today”

May 1987        –           “Armenia – Hungary” Stamp Show in Yerevan, Armenia

                          Memorial Award for “Percussion Instruments Yesterday and Today”

October 1986  –           XIV Republican Youth Stamp Show in Hrazdan, Armenia

                          Memorial Award for “Imprinted Stamped Covers with Original Stamps”

October 1986  –           XI Republican Stamp Show in Vedi, Armenia

                          Memorial Award for “Imprinted Stamped Covers with Original Stamps”

October 1986  –           “International Year of Peace” Stamp Show in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

                         Bronze Award for “Imprinted Stamped Envelopes with Original Stamps”

October 1986  –           Honorary Diploma of the National Stamp Society of USSR

April 1986        –           “Transcaucasia – 86” Stamp Show in Kirovabad, Azerbaijan

                        Memorial Award for “Imprinted Stamped Covers with Original Stamps”

January 1986   –           X Republican Stamp Show in Yerevan, Armenia

                        Memorial Award for “Imprinted Stamped Covers with Original Stamps”

May 1985        –           IX Republican Stamp Show in Yerevan, Armenia

                         Silver Award for “Imprinted Stamped Covers with Original Stamps”img693

June 1983        –           VIII Republican Stamp Show in Yerevan, Armenia

                    Bronze Award for “Portraits of Yar-Kravchenko on Illustrated Covers”