The Lion – Most Symbolic Animal of All

(Display or Open Class Version)

This current 112 page exhibit received Gold Award and Biology Unit Second Award at Great American Stamp Show in Sacramento, CA in 2022, Gold Award and American Philatelic Society Medal of Excellence at Great American Stamp Show in Chicago, IL in 2021,  Gold Award at Great American Stamp Show in Columbus, OH in 2018, Gold Award and American Philatelic Congress Award at National Topical Stamp Show in Milwaukee, WI in 2017, Gold Award and Haypost CJSC Award at International Philatelic Exhibition in Yerevan, Armenia in 2015, Gold Award and John Broderick Sr. Award for Best Display Exhibit at Philatelic Show of Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs in Boxborough, MA in 2015, Large Vermeil Award, American Topical Association First Award, American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor, and Professional Stamp Experts It’s Not Just Stamps Award at WESTPEX in San Francisco, CA in 2023, Award Large Vermeil Award, American Topical Association First Award, American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor at San Diego Stamp Show in 2023, Large Vermeil Award and Special Prize of Cats on Stamps Study Unit at Great American Stamp Show in Cleveland Ohio in 2023, Large Vermeil Award and American Topical Association Second Award at WESTPEX in San Francisco, CA in 2021, Large Vermeil Award, Award of Honor of American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors, Second Award of American Topical Association, and San Diego Stamp Show Award of Merit at WESTPEX in 2022, Large Vermeil Award and American Topical Association First Award at ARIPEX 2022 Stamp Show in Mesa, Arizona, Vermeil Award and American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Award of Honor for Best Presentation at SESCAL in Los Angeles, CA in 2015,  Vermeil Award at American Philatelic Society Stamp Show in Hartford, CT in 2014, and Vermeil Award and John Broderick Sr. Award for Best Display Exhibit at Philatelic Show of Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs in Boxborough, MA in 2014